Community Support Groups
Find Your People
We weren’t meant to raise our families alone, we’ve all heard the cliché ‘it takes a village’ but truly, humankind has survived through the support and safety of the communities around us. In our modern day world we are often professionally accomplished, have access to many convenience services and technological support. When it comes to such an enormous transformational experience as carrying, birthing and raising a family, it’s a raw, beautiful and visceral adjustment and it can feel overwhelming and scary at times too. We often live further away from our family and friendship foundations than ever before and often have had limited exposure to young children, the first time you hold a baby may even be your own. Finding likeminded others can be an essential part of creating your support system as you navigate and find your footing as expectant and new parents together, especially through special circumstances. It is my pleasure and privilege to help connect and support you.